The Senior Box program supplements the diets of low-income seniors (60+) with USDA foods. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP, aka "Senior Box") provides a monthly food package tailored for older adults that can help stretch your food dollars and add nutritious foods to your diet for good health.
The pre-packed box contains: 2 units of fruit juice 4 units of vegetables (canned vegetables, soup, dehydrated potatoes) 1 unit of cheese 2 units of milk (UHT or nonfat dry) 1-3 units of meat, poultry, or fish (beef stew, chili, canned fish/chicken/tuna/beef) 2 units plant-based protein (peanut butter, canned beans, dry beans, dry lentils) 1-2 units of cereal (dry cereal, farina, oats, grits) 1-2 pasta and rice INCOME GUIDELINES |